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To build the application and Docker image locally, execute the following command, from the project directory:

./mvnw -DskipTests -Dfrontend-build -Ddocker-build -Ddocker.image.tag=latest clean package dockerfile:build

A Docker image tagged will then be created.

You may set the docker.image.prefix system property to specify a different Docker registry/repository.

Using GitLab#

A .gitlab-ci.yml file is available at the root of the repository to automate the build/test/publish pipeline on GitLab.

The pipeline will produce a WAR file and a Docker image, and push it to a Docker registry.

Required environment variables:

  • DOCKER_USERNAME: Docker registry username
  • DOCKER_PASSWORD: Docker registry password

Optional environment variables:

  • MVN_ENV_OPTS: Maven environment options (known as MAVEN_OPTS)
  • MVN_BUILD_OPTS: Maven build options (arguments, profiles, system properties)
  • MVN_GOALS: Maven build goals
  • DOCKER_REPO: Docker image registry/repository
  • DOCKER_IMAGE: Docker image name

Using Jenkins#

A Jenkinsfile file is available at the root of the repository to automate the build/test/publish pipeline on Jenkins.

The pipeline will produce a WAR file and a Docker image, and push it to a Docker registry.

Optional parameters:

  • mvn_env_opts: Maven environment options (known as MAVEN_OPTS)
  • mvn_build_opts: Maven build options (arguments, profiles, system properties)
  • mvn_goals: Maven build goals

Using Google Cloud Build#

See the Google Cloud Platform deployment documentation.