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Google Cloud Build#

This example uses Cloud Build to build the application, upload a WAR file to Cloud Storage, and push a Docker image to Artifact Registry.


Before starting, create a fork of the project on GitHub ( under your own account.

Using Cloud Console#

Go to Cloud Console and make sure the appropriate project is selected in the header menu.

In the side menu, go to Cloud Storage > Browser to prepare the bucket where the WAR file will be stored:

  • Click Create Bucket.
  • Enter your project ID as the bucket name, then Continue.
  • Select Region and your preferred region (e.g. europe-west1), then Continue.
  • Click Create.
  • Click Create folder, type karaplan and click Create.

In the side menu, go to Artifact Registry to prepare the repository where the container image will be stored:

  • Click Create Repository.
  • Enter the repository name (e.g. docker).
  • Select Docker as the repository format.
  • Select your preferred region (e.g. europe-west1).
  • Click Create.

In the side menu, go to Cloud Build > Triggers:

  • Click Manage repositories, then Connect repository.
  • Select your preferred region (e.g. europe-west1), select GitHub and click Continue.
  • Link your GitHub account, then select karaplan in the repository list and click Connect.
  • Click Create a trigger.
  • Enter the trigger name (e.g. master).
  • Leave default values and click Create.
  • Click Run to start a build immediately.
  • Go to the History section of the side menu to see the current build.

When the build is successful, you may check the results in:

  • Cloud Storage > Browser: in the karaplan folder of your bucket, you should now see the karaplan.war file.
  • Artifact Registry > Repositories: a karaplan image should be available in the docker repository with the master tag.

Using Cloud Shell / SDK#

Use the following commands in Cloud Shell or anywhere the Cloud SDK is installed:

# Set variables, adjust them as needed
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
REGION=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region)

# Create Cloud Storage Bucket to store the WAR file
gsutil mb -l $REGION -p $PROJECT_ID gs://$BUCKET_NAME

# Create Artifact Registry repository to store the Docker image
gcloud artifacts repositories create docker --repository-format=docker --location=$REGION

# Clone source and launch Cloud Build
git clone karaplan
cd karaplan
gcloud builds submit .

# List builds
gcloud builds list

# When done, list created Storage objects and Docker images
gsutil ls gs://$BUCKET_NAME/karaplan
gcloud artifacts docker images list $$PROJECT_ID/docker/karaplan