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Google Cloud Run#

This example uses Cloud Run to run the Docker image and expose the service.


Before starting, follow the Build, SQL and Secret Manager guides to create the container image, database and configuration.

Using Cloud Console#

Go to Cloud Console and make sure the appropriate project is selected in the header menu.

In the side menu, go to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts:

  • Click Create Service Account.
  • Set karaplan as the Service Account name and ID.
  • Click Create and continue.
  • Select the following Roles:
    • Secret Manager Secret Accessor
    • Cloud SQL Client
  • Click Done.

In the side menu, go to Cloud Run:

  • Click Create service.
  • Enter the Container image name, e.g.
  • Enter karaplan as the service name.
  • Select your preferred Region (e.g. europe-west1).
  • Configure the maximum number of instances (e.g. 5).
  • Select Allow unauthenticated invocations.
  • Expand additional settings at the bottom.
    • In the Container tab, set Memory to 1 GiB.
    • In the Variables and secrets tab, add a SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE Environment variable with value gcp.
    • In the Security tab, select the previously created karaplan Service Account.
  • Click Create.

If you have a custom domain name:

  • From the Cloud Run services list, click Manage custom domains.
  • Click Add mapping.
  • Select the karaplan service and Cloud Run Domain Mappings.
  • Select your verified domain and enter the subdomain to use.
  • Add the CNAME record to your domain as instructed.

After a few minutes, the application should become available at the generated service URL and/or at the custom domain name.

Using Cloud Shell / SDK#

Use the following commands in Cloud Shell or anywhere the Cloud SDK is installed:

# Set variables, adjust them as needed
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
REGION=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region)

# Create Service Account and grant permissions
gcloud iam service-accounts create karaplan
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:karaplan@$" --role=roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:karaplan@$" --role=roles/cloudsql.client

# Deploy Cloud Run service
gcloud run deploy karaplan --image $$PROJECT_ID/docker/karaplan:master --cpu=1 --memory=1Gi --min-instances=0 --max-instances=5 --allow-unauthenticated --region=$REGION --service-account=karaplan@$ --set-env-vars="SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=gcp"

If you have a custom domain name:


# Create domain mapping
gcloud run domain-mappings create --service=karaplan --domain=$DOMAIN --region=$REGION

# Add the CNAME record to your domain as instructed.

After a few minutes, the application should become available at the generated service URL and/or at the custom domain name.

Using Terraform#

This directory contains a Terraform module to provision all resources automatically. See the, and files for more information.

Please refer to the Terraform Cloud Run Deployment guide for a full example.

Architecture diagram#
