Google Kubernetes Engine#
This example uses Kubernetes Engine and Helm to run the Docker image in a Kubernetes cluster, and an Ingress to expose the service over HTTPS.
Before starting, follow the Build, SQL and Secret Manager guides to create the container image, database and configuration.
Then, download and install Helm from the official releases page. If you are not going to use Terraform, update the ${...}
variables in the values.yaml
file with appropriate values using your preferred editor.
Finally, to expose the application over HTTPS, you will need to obtain a domain name in which you can create a A record pointing to a reserved IP address. If you don't have one, you may try using services from, or
Using Cloud Console#
Go to Cloud Console and make sure the appropriate project is selected in the header menu.
In the side menu, go to Kubernetes Engine > Clusters if you don't already have a Kubernetes Cluster:
- Click Create cluster and use Autopilot mode.
- Enter
as the cluster name. - Select your preferred Region (e.g.
). - Click Create.
In the side menu, go to VPC network > External IP addresses:
- Click Reserve static address.
- Enter
as the address name. - Select Global as the type.
In the side menu, go to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts:
- Click Create Service Account.
- Set
as the Service Account name and ID. - Click Create and continue.
- Select the following Roles:
- Secret Manager Secret Accessor
- Cloud SQL Client
- Click Done.
- Refer to the Configure Workload Identity commands in the Using Cloud Shell / SDK section below to add the necessary IAM policy binding.
If you have a custom domain name, add this IP address in a A record, then in the side menu go to Network services > Load balancing:
- At the bottom, click to the link to go to the advanced menu.
- In the Certificates tab, click Create SSL certificate.
- Enter
as the certificate name. - Check Create Google-managed certificate.
- Enter your custom domain name.
- Click Create.
Finally, follow the instructions in the Deploy the application section below.
Using Cloud Shell / SDK#
Use the following commands in Cloud Shell or anywhere the Cloud SDK is installed:
# Set variables, adjust them as needed
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
REGION=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region)
# Create GKE cluster, if necessary
gcloud container clusters create-auto karaplan-gke-cluster --region=$REGION
# Create IP address
gcloud compute addresses create karaplan-gke-ip --global
gcloud compute addresses list
# Create Service Account and grant permissions
gcloud iam service-accounts create karaplan
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:karaplan@$" --role=roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:karaplan@$" --role=roles/cloudsql.client
# Configure Workload Identity
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding karaplan@$ --member="serviceAccount:$[$NAMESPACE/karaplan]" --role=roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser
If you have a custom domain name, add the created IP address in a A record, then:
# Create SSL certificate
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create karaplan-gke-ssl-cert --domains=$DOMAIN --global
Finally, follow the instructions in the Deploy the application section below.
Deploy the application#
If you are using Cloud Shell, you may use the 3-dots menu to upload the values.yaml
file prepared in Prerequisites to your current session.
# Get Kubernetes cluster config
gcloud container clusters get-credentials karaplan-gke-cluster --region=$REGION
# Preview template before installing it
helm template karaplan ../../helm/karaplan -f values.yaml
# Install application
helm upgrade -i karaplan ../../helm/karaplan -f values.yaml
After several minutes, the application should become available at the reserved IP address and/or at the custom domain name.
Using Terraform#
This directory contains a Terraform module to provision all resources automatically. See the
files for more information.
Please refer to the Terraform GKE Deployment guide for a full example.