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Google Secret Manager#

This example uses Secret Manager to store application configuration, including sensitive values.

Refer to the deployment README file for information about configuring identity providers.

Using Cloud Console#

Go to Cloud Console and make sure the appropriate project is selected in the header menu.

In the side menu, go to Security > Secret Manager:

  • Click Create secret and fill the Name and Secret value for the following secrets:
    • karaplan-db-instance
    • karaplan-db-name
    • karaplan-db-username
    • karaplan-db-password
    • karaplan-google-client-id
    • karaplan-google-client-secret
    • karaplan-github-client-id
    • karaplan-github-client-secret
  • Check Manually manage locations for this secret and select your preferred Region (e.g. europe-west1).

Using Cloud Shell / SDK#

Use the following commands in Cloud Shell or anywhere the Cloud SDK is installed:

# Set variables, adjust them as needed
REGION=$(gcloud config get-value compute/region)

# Create each secret (replace 'toComplete' with the actual value)
echo "toComplete" | gcloud secrets create karaplan-db-instance --data-file=- --replication-policy=user-managed --locations=$REGION
echo "toComplete" | gcloud secrets create karaplan-db-name --data-file=- --replication-policy=user-managed --locations=$REGION
echo "toComplete" | gcloud secrets create karaplan-db-username --data-file=- --replication-policy=user-managed --locations=$REGION
echo "toComplete" | gcloud secrets create karaplan-db-password --data-file=- --replication-policy=user-managed --locations=$REGION
echo "toComplete" | gcloud secrets create karaplan-google-client-id --data-file=- --replication-policy=user-managed --locations=$REGION
echo "toComplete" | gcloud secrets create karaplan-google-client-secret --data-file=- --replication-policy=user-managed --locations=$REGION
echo "toComplete" | gcloud secrets create karaplan-github-client-id --data-file=- --replication-policy=user-managed --locations=$REGION
echo "toComplete" | gcloud secrets create karaplan-github-client-secret --data-file=- --replication-policy=user-managed --locations=$REGION

Using Terraform#

This directory contains a Terraform module to provision all resources automatically. See the and files for more information.

Please refer to the Terraform guide for a full example.