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Terraform for Google App Engine#

This example uses Terraform to provision some of the resources described in the Google App Engine guide. See the and files for more information.


Create a terraform.tfvars file in this directory, providing appropriate values for all variables:

credentials = "/path/to/credentials.json"
project_id = "your-project-id"
region = "europe-west1"
google_oauth_clientid = "toComplete"
google_oauth_clientsecret = "toComplete"
github_oauth_clientid = "toComplete"
github_oauth_clientsecret = "toComplete"

See for more information about available variables. Refer to the deployment README file for information about configuring identity providers.


Run the following commands:

terraform init
terraform plan

If everything looks right, execute the following command to provision all resources:

terraform apply

Additional steps are required to deploy the application itself. Please refer to the Deploy the application section of the Google App Engine guide.