To develop this project you need Java 17 or higher and NodeJS 18 or higher. Maven is included in the project with mvnw
You may use your preferred IDE to develop this project, e.g. VS Code. Please respect the existing coding style.
Local backend development uses an embedded H2 database and Tomcat server listening on port 8080.
Several identity providers are supported for authentication using OAuth 2.0, and need to be configured:
- If you don't have a Google account, create it
- Then create a Google OAuth client
- Add Authorized redirect URIs:
- Copy the OAuth client credentials (clientID / clientSecret)
- If you don't have a GitHub account, create it
- Then register a new OAuth application
- Set Authorization callback URL:
- Copy the OAuth client credentials (clientID / clientSecret)
Your OAuth client credentials must be supplied in a application-local.yml
file in the src/main/resources
See this Spring Security sample for more information about configuring the OAuth 2.0 provider details.
You may launch the backend as a Spring Boot app with the following arguments:
An appropriate launch configuration is already included for VS Code.
The backend will then be available at http://localhost:8080
Local frontend development uses a NodeJS server listening on port 4200 with live reload support.
First install dependencies with NPM, from the src/main/nodejs
npm install
You may launch the frontend as a NodeJS server with the following command, from the src/main/nodejs
ng serve
An appropriate launch configuration is already included for VS Code.
The frontend will then be available at http://localhost:4200